With the assistance of the experienced IT engineers of Supreme-Net, we can study the network design and infrastructure you need, at all levels. Given the experience and studies / installations of Supreme-Net, will disclose all of any “dark spots” resulting from shoddy implementation studies.

Beginning with recording your requirements and individual needs, we will do “top to bottom” analysis, from the wiring and specifications need to be followed during the installation, to the setup study of your Servers, Telecommunication Infrastructure, Call Center, Ergonomic study (in collaboration with architects, project engineers). We will define in detail each stage and determine every step of the control points that will ensure proper installation and operation of your equipment.

Each telecommunications infrastructure installation project is a serious investment for the business and are not allowed errors in the design stage. The infrastructure of a bisiness is a key success factor. Supreme-Net will help you to avoid mistakes that can not be modified after implementation or have cost.

    In summary, we have experience and we can help you with :

  • Study cabling, Telecommunication Infrastructure
  • Study Network at Layer2, Layer3
  • Study Needs and Servers Installation
  • Provision innovative solutions in “theoretically unsolvable” telecommunication problems